Friday, 13 December 2013

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

I feel I can legitimately go all Christmassy now that's it's December! Although I don't mind Christmas festivities starting in November, it helps me get organised. I know a lot of people can be a little "bah humbug" about starting to early.
I am pretty much set although I still need to do my "wrapping". I try to recycle as much as possible and thought I would see gift bags this year. I do love wrapping though! I know quite a few people who don't like wrapping so I get to do it for them. I genuinely think I could do it full time if there was such a job as full time professional wrapper.
I've done a little decorating, that is I've decorated a little tree. I thread a mix of red, green and gold buttons onto some sheer white ribbon, wound it around the tree then added a few baubles and a glittery "Noel"!
I have made my Christmas cards and because I get to use my fountain pen with green ink I even like writing them.
I used the same method as seen in my blog from May about rubber stamping....
I made some with a robin on and other's with Rudolph, up close and far away, the classic holly and a Christmas Tree or two. As with everything, buttons were involved, as was sequins (a Christmas necessity) and a other bits and bobs.

I even folded and cut most of the card myself this year, recycled of course. It's a bit time consuming but I kept them all the same size- A5 folded to A6. I also used some square cards left over from year and some from a few years back when I folded A5 lengthways, just to mix it up a bit.

Festive fun! Craft in earnest, Craftin' Ernest x