This also made it possible for her to have her hair down.
After a cut to even it all up, the next question was fringe or no fringe? I went with a fringe.
I then plaited it into the two French braids I had originally intended and I'm really happy with the outcome. I just used some pink thread to secure the bottom of the plaits.Her face, however, took a couple of attempts! She now has blue eyes and a plummy pink lips, also done with the felting needle.
The first attempt was a little on the scary side to say the least. I wanted her to have eyelashes, this along with all black eyes gave her quite a sinister look- not what I was going for so they were hastily removed.
The next most important item was underwear!
She now sports of pair of rather colourful, paisley knickers. This is where I have to confess, I'm a do-it-by-eye-kinda-gal. Fingers are just as good a tool as a ruler for measuring, right? ;-)
Knickers are also great as they are very forgiving in terms of hiding non-precision measuring. I roughly drew a "pattern" on some white fabric. Unlike normal knickers (i.e. for real people) hers need to be larger at the front rather than back as she has a flat bottom but a rather pot belly. Once I was sure they would slip on, I used the white fabric to cut the same out of the paisley fabric and added the elastic at the top and each leg hole. Overall I'm happy that they're a nice fit.
Hopefully she'll have an outfit by next time, until then craft in earnest, Craftin' Ernest x