Monday, 16 November 2015

It's Been A Little While Sorry! Here's a Scarf Tute

Hello there!
Firstly I have to apologise as it's been a good few months since my last post- awful blogging etiquette I know, I'm very sorry. I will mend my ways, promise!

I have still been making things including the following scarf! It was made by recycling a pair of palazzo trousers. I took pics along the way, albeit rubbish ones with my phone but you can get the idea from them.
First you need a pair of trousers with baggy legs (although you could skip this step if you have fabric you like, or use a long skirt/dress- whatever you like). I loved these trousers but with a hole by the zip and the bottoms getting a little worn it was time to re-purpose them. The trousers (or the fabric) will need a good iron.
From each leg cut two equal rectangles of fabric so you have four pieces of fabric all the same size, in my example the sections measured roughly 26cm x 76cm (11 x 30 inches).
With right sides together,  sew two of the section together along the shorter ends. Repeat the same step with the other two sections (my fabric looks very similar on both sides in the photographs but the birds on the outside are more crisp in colour)
I used a 1cm seam allowance throughout the project (except for the final seam).
Open both sections out so you have two double length pieces, each with a seam in the centre. Pin these two lengths together, again right sides together, with the seams meeting in the centre. Sew the two long sides together.
At this stage you will have a long tube with the seams on the outside. Tuck one half inside the other with the right sides together so that the unsewn edges meet (with the sewn seams meeting on either side). Pin these together and sew around the edge leaving a section open.
The section left unsewn- approximately 10cm.
Turn the scarf the right way out through the unsewn hole, so all the seams are on the inside.
Tuck the raw edges in and the pin the hole closed.
As close to the edge as possible sew the opening closed.
The finished seam...
And that's the scarf done!
All ready to wear- just wrap it around twice and you're all set.
Here's a picture of the finished scarf (after a day's wear) to show it's length open- approx 66cm (26in) or about the length as a semi stretched cat, who was keen to help with my measuring ;-)
I'm very pleased with how it turned out as I really love the fabric and still get to enjoy wearing it, even though the trousers were past their best.
I'm definitely going to make more using raw fabric (rather than altering items of clothing) for Christmas presents for friends.
Thanks for taking the time to read this post! 
Until next time (which I promise won't be as long as last time), craft in earnest! Craftin' Ernest x